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Zilla the strong, fun to chew, soft tube

ChuBuddy is very proud and excited about brand new family of easy to chew, but very strong products- the Tube Zilla family.  Zilla is a game-changing product that is made from medical grade plastics that combines responsive chewability with incredible durability. It is a Chew Factor 3.0 product that is easy to chew, yet extremely durable.  As durable as ChuBuddy’s Strong Tubes, Zilla also carries our 60-day, No-Chew-Thru warranty.
   *Does not cover intentional abuse, marks, dents or deformation under normal use

ChuBuddy developed the Zilla line because of numerous requests from customers to build a chewable that is as durable as the Strong Tubes but that is easy to chew.  After many months of product research, development, and collaboration with an OT product testing team, Zilla was born. The product also has multiple chewing surface textures which provide varied sensory input for chewers.

Check out all the Zilla family, consisting of the Regular, Junior size Zillas, which come in Purple, Red, and Blue. There is the Smooth Zillas, Zipper zilla, Cord Zilla, Topper Zilla, Hood Zilla, and much more to come. 

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