Four Tips For a Fun, ASD-Friendly Summer Break
As summer vacation approaches, here are four tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable break for children with ASD:
What to Expect When Taking Your Child with Autism to the Dentist
1. Meeting New People:
Familiarize Your Child: Choose a pediatric or special needs dentist. Request a pre-appointme...
Three Chubuddy Items Perfect for Test Time Chewers
As students approach final tests, those with ASD and other special needs might benefit from chewable items to help ma...
How to Keep a Chew With Your Child at All Times
Chews are valuable tools for calming and soothing children with special needs, but keeping one readily available can ...
Explaining Valentine’s Day to a child with autism
Valentine’s Day is usually a time of great fun for kids. They get cards with their favorite characters, tiny gifts, a...
Strategies to Soothe and Calm
Handling a child’s public meltdown can be challenging, especially for those with anxiety, ADHD, sensory disorders, or...
ASD and the HoliDaze
Bright lights, loud music, busy crowds, new situations, interacting with new people and strangers—the holidays can be...
Turkey Day Tips: Thanksgiving and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family. It signals the start of the holiday season and the hustle and bustle tha...
Halloween with Autism
Halloween can be overwhelming for children with autism, but with some preparation, you can make the night enjoyable....
Signs that my child is an oral sensory seeker
If your child frequently seeks intense flavors, temperatures, or smells, or chews on non-edible items like pencils or...
Kids with ADHD and chewing
Children with ADHD often face additional challenges, including behavioral issues and body-focused repetitive behavior...
From Playground to Battleground: Recess and ASD
Navigating social interactions is a hard lesson to learn for any school-aged child. Struggling to figure out who you ...