Chews That Can Help Children With Anxiety
Recognizing Anxiety Symptoms: Watch for signs like:
Nervousness or agitation
Trouble focusing or sleeping
Chewable In the Classroom
In preschool settings, chewable can greatly benefit children who need oral sensory input, such as those with autism o...
Three Chubuddy Items Perfect for Test Time Chewers
As students approach final tests, those with ASD and other special needs might benefit from chewable items to help ma...
Choosing the Right Item for Child’s Chewing Style
Giving a special needs child something to chew on, if they have the tendency, can help the child in a variety of ways...
Signs that my child is an oral sensory seeker
If your child frequently seeks intense flavors, temperatures, or smells, or chews on non-edible items like pencils or...